Monday, September 20, 2010

I hate blogs!

     Well, that's great. Apparently my blog post did not go all the way through on the internet. That's the last time I use my brother's phone to do homework. Well, it's only fair if I do this blog for about thirty minutes or so. Well last week was pretty tiring. I was really tired every single day of that and what's even worse is that our English class is working on a research project where we have to research on a major event or something and write about it. I just hope that I actually finish this project all the way and on time. I'm not doing good right now, but I plan to do it better. English and History were never my better subjects through the school years. I think that I just don't find anything interesting in them for some reason. Math I like is because the class is all about numbers and I think that they show up everywhere and that is something I think about more often than words. Math is, to me, one of the easiest subjects there is. I just think that anyone can get it easily. As lobg as they listen and look at the problem. Math always has an exact answer and that would be easier to figure out and is less complicating than any other subject.
     With English, the words are big and it is mostly research and writing. Both of which I hate so much (no offence). I was never good at writing and that was a flaw with me. However, the only thing I can do in English is probably poetry. Which was not a good thing to be excel at since we only did poetry for about three days and it was all reading. No one even got to see my skills. English also consists of reading and I am a very slow reader. Books that I don't find interests, I can't read fast at all. And I have a really small selection of books I do read. It is mostly consist of fantasy and adventure that has almost nothing to do with school. That is why Harry Potter is not a book that I like to read. Something I like falls to the category of books like "Percy Jackson and The Olympians" and "The Ranger's Apprentice." I know most people have never heard of those books but almost every person I recommended the Percy Jackson book to has not been able to put the book down until they have read the whole series. Something you guys should take a look at.
     Next up is History. It has never liked me and it might never will. The main reason to have that class is to remember the past so we can do better for the future. However the future does not consist of dates like the 1800's and the 1900's. This is already now the 21st century and we should move on instead of "living in the past." Get it! History does give you much to do except for just remember everything. With math, there are things that you can remember subconsciensly while, with history, you have to remember everything or you fail that class and you would then have to take it again.There might have just been some problems with me and my teachers why I do not do as well as I could've done. All through middle school, I had the worst teachers for teachers and the meanest ones for homeroom, which, two out of three of them, were English. Last year I did the best I ever did in English ever. I passed with flying colors and it was because the teacher I had was nice. Maybe that 's something I should think about at the end of the year from now on. All of the teachers that I did bad on must not be the better teachers. That would be an awkward way to evaluate, but so far has been acurate.
     This blog is taking forever and I'm not sure how long I have been writing for. I hope it's enough. Yet I don't think it is. Man I hate this blog. I think that we would all appreciate it if we would just have these blogs due once every two weeks or once a month. I don't think we can take this forever. Sooner or later I'm gonna crack. Every time I have been doing this blog, I have been tired and stressed out because I have no idea what to talk about. I'm doing this blog right now so then I don't have to worry about it for the rest of the week. It would be smarter but not that efficient. I can't wait until we can type things on the computer voice automated or at least subconsciencly because my hands are getting tired. Another thing with English is that they expect too much. Same goes with History and Speech. With math, the main thing to get out of it is the answer and how to get there. The other classes are all about one thing is against the other and the length is never short. English is about two to five pages for one question. History is about a paragraph. And in Speech, you are not even aloud to write the answer, you can only write an outline of it and the answer is timed and has to be spoken out or you fail. Sometimes it is even filmed.
     No offence to anyone, but math is a better subject for me. And no offence to Mr. Potter, but I really hate this blog!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


     Man! This was a long week. I thought it would never end. I was practically falling asleep in every class. Including Mr. Potter's class. Although I wasn't fully asleep, I was drifting off. I think it actually was because of his monotone voice after all. Either that, or else it was because we got so much free. Hopefully next week I'll be more energetic like last year. English, though, really is a good class and I think I might be able to pass the class. Middle school's english class was somehow a lot harder than the classes in high school. It might just have been that I didn't like the teachers that much because of how they were in class. Mr. Potter is pretty nice so I might do good in his class. I should be working on my homework then!
     One thing I like about English is that they are the class that poetry falls under. I have loved poetry my whole life (sixth grade). However, I have been off the writing for a while. I hope to get back as soon as I get inspiration from something to write. If anyone wants to see any of my five good poems, go to and then put in Michael Chau in the "Search for:" part. Then you'll find one poet and most likely that would be me. I might write again or I might leave it as it is and quit forever. (Please Comment). Another thing that I am looking forward to a little is the book "To Kill a Mockingbird." This year is supposedly the 50th anniversary of the book. So the theater department is going to do the play for the fall play this year at the High School. Hope everyone comes and supports us (I might be in it). I hope we can read it soon so one; we can get it over with, and two; I can have an idea of what the play is about before we do it.
     Mr. Potter is a good teacher, I think, so far. He is nice to everyone and I think more teachers should be like him. Almost all of my teachers are pretty much like him but some could be more energetic and some are perfect. I think he falls in-between the category (no offence). But I think he is someone I can look back to and still say was one of the better teachers I had. I'll just have to wait until the end of the year to find out.
     Well, I think it has been around fifteen minutes or so. I'll blog more next week. Because if I don't, I'll most likely fail this class.