Sunday, April 10, 2011


The musical is coming along well. I just think that we might be a little slow. But I think it's fine. English is not getting any fun yet. We're learning about Julius Ceasar and his cause of death. The movie wasn't as exciting as I thought. Well, I don't watch movies that much. School is going fine. I can't believe that it is already the last quarter of school. Sophmore year went by so quickly. If only I could do more stuff. I still got a little more time left. I have no idea what to do though. We're back to the blogs. I don't like these. I feel it's a waste of time for me. Yet it is the only thing that I actually do on the weekends. So... yeah. Blogs.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

When Courage Is In Your Mind

Dear Reader,

     My book is called The Red Pyramid. It is a book that revolves around Egyptian mythology. There are two siblings named Carter and Sadie Kane. This book has many themes like Love, Courage and Secrets.
     I chose courage because of how so few people have it. Sure people hear and there can not be afraid of everything. That just means they have no fear. But, in the book, The Red Pryamid, the main characters show much courage.
     To me, courage means that you can stand up for something that ultimately scares you. It is good to have fear. Everyone has it. Yet it doesn't mean that you should keep yourself from trying something because of it.,
     Even if you have conquered your fear, it doesn't mean it goes away. Becarse conquering your fear does not mean that you lose it. It just means that you know you can stand up to it the next time, even if you don't want to.

     "Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing."


Courage is in me
It is what keeps me alive
No other thing does

I have many fears
But I can overcome them
They can't keep me down

Courand and no fear
There is such a huge difference
Courage gives you strength

It is in my mind
It let's me do everything
The thing is courage

“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear”
 Ten Ways to Know if... you have an Egyprian God Possessing You
  1. You would hear voices in your head.
  2. You are talking to yourself.
  3. You are able to read Egyptian writing.
  4. You are most likely a descendent of an Egyptian pharaoh.
  5. You can use high level magic.
  6. You can turn into a bird at will.
  7. You can deflect flying daggers out of nowhere withour even thinking.
  8. You can turn into a giant glowing green monster with an animal as a head and use it in combat.
  9. Either, you have been banished into a sarcophagus, you banished someone into a sarcophagus, you are a boy and a loved one has been banished into a sarcophagus, you are a girl and a loved one has been banished into a carcophagus, or you are a cat person (literally) and enjoys milk and Friskies.
  10. A giant killer turkey, which you have never seen before, walks up to you and calls you royalty.
“Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.”

Carter Kane Talking to Self

Carter: Ok. So now I have a father who was caught in a coffin; a British sister, which I only get to see for only twice a year, all over my case; a pretenc aunt named Bast who is half cat; a huge fiery man waiting to destroy me in Phoenic; and a nagging Epyptian god stuck in my head.
Horus: Hey. I heard that.
Carter: I don't care. You are in my head, remember, I can say whatever I want here. And you're the reason I'm in this mess anyways.
Horus: Well, this would be a lot easier on you if you just let me take over your body.
Carter: Yeah, that'll happen, when I'm dead. Which would mean you would have to find a new host. So go with it or get wout of my head.
Horus: Fine
Carter: So, what do we do now?
Horus: Beats me. You're controlling the body, I guess the only thing to do is go to Phoenix and save out fathers.
Carter: Yeah. That is the only thing. How did I get into this mess anyhow?
Horus: You were born with the problem. And it won't go away intil you die.
Carter: At this rate, I'll die in two days.
Horus: Yep. Looks like it.
Carter: Thanks for the pep talk. Remind me that you'll be my "head" cheerleader once I get into the NBAs.
Horus: If only you could play. Haha.
Carter: Whatever. Let's just go.

“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”
“You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.”


     This is my self reflection of each genre. The first genre I used is the Haiku. I chose that genre because it was pretty easy to do. However, I think I only needed one but I did more instead. That should make it full credit.
     The next genre was the ten ways to know if... I chose that one because I was thinking about how at the beginning of the book talks about what to do if you think you are one of them. So I thought I made a list of everything that I know Carter and Sadie could do or things that happened to them.
     The third one was of Carter Kane talking to himself. I chose this because, in the book, Carter has and Egyptian god stuck in his head. This worked so well because when Carter talks to himself, he would still be heard by Horus. And then they would fight back and forth about who should be controlling Carter's body. Plus it would seen funny.
     And the last one was the wanted poster. This worked because they are practically wanted. All the details in the book is actually true from the book. And Desjardans is the magician who is trying to seek them and put them and away because of how dangerous they are. He's not even the worst of their problems. And I'm sure that if there is a wanted poster, it would definitely look similar to this.

 Work Cited

Monday, February 28, 2011

Is That True

     "Is that true, dad?" I asked.
     "Yes it is, Danny," my dad, Roger, said. Which means it's not.
     Hi, I'm Danny Imagine (don't make fun of the name). And my dad is a comic book writer at the Imagination Coporation. Every time he gets a new idea, he'll write it out and then run it by me first. It's always fun to hear. Sometimes the story is a Horror, sometimes Science Fiction. But, today, it is a Fantasy.
     The story is called "The Invisible Aliens". Well they weren't actually aliens, but the name works. They were these big creatures that are ablt to go invisible. They are just called aliens of how ugly their faces are. Either way, these "aliens" live behind the trees at every school. You know, those big or bushy trees you see way behind the playgrounds. Almost every school has some.
     "So, remember, Danny. Don't ever go behind those trees at school. Or else the Invisible Aliens will get you," my dad said.
     "Sure, dad." So I didn't... until the next morning.
     I'm only 13, so I go to middle school like any other 13-year-old. I'm in the eigth grade and the school year just started, so I have a long way to go until high school. At least I'm finally at the top of the school. All kids shall bow downto me. Or not, I really don't care.
     Benjamin Franklin middle school is really boring. The teacher lecture you and teach you nothing.That is totally why I'm failing. Well, it's either that or what my teachers say. "Danny, do your homework...Danny, pay attention...Danny, quit doodling and finish your test." I say my side is more believable. Whatever.
     Now, it's lunch time, my favorite time of the school day. I get to see my two best friends Zack and Kelly. We've known each other since the third grade. Kelly is the tomboyish girl who isn't afraid of anything but has a girly side. ( How does that confuse you?) And Zack is the geek who is afraid of everything but is always there for us. So I think I'll keep them around.
     Today, I told them about the invisible aliens story.
     "Is that true?" Kelly asked.
     "Well, my dad says yes, but I doubt is is." I said.
     "I hope it's not. That sounds scary. I mean, invisible creatures that hides behind the trees and wait to eat you." Zack said, cowardly.
     "Oh, come on, Zack. You can't be afraid of things that don't even exist." Kelly said.
     "Well, we don't know for sure it it's real or not. What if they were always there, waiting for kids like us to come over and eat up?"
     "You guys want to find out? I asked.
     "Yes," said Kelly.
     "No," said Zack.
     "Why not?"
     "I'm scared."
     "Well don't you want to find if it's real or not for you to even be scared of it?"
     "What?" I asked.
     "Well you know what I mean!" she said.
     "Fine I'll go. Happy?" Zack said.
     "Ok. Now we need a plan to go behind there without anyone knowing what we're up to. I think I'll go first to make sure if there is anything for us to see or even care about." I said.
     "I have an idea," said Kelly, "How about we grab a football from the ball bin and throw it around? And, then, Danny will stand in front of the trees to get 'open'. After that, I'll throw the ball really hard behind the trees. And that's when Danny will have a chance to go behind the trees and look for the aliens."
     "If there are any," said Zack.
     "Sounds good to me," I said, "Let's do it!"
     "Recess" yelled the teachers. And, like all the other students, we ran outside as fast as we could. I made sure to grab a football before they were all gone. The rest of the Plan went pretty smoothly. We all got into positions and got ready. First we had to throw the ball around first so no one got suspicious. Then it was time. I motioned for Kally to throw it over me. She aimed and got it right behind the trees. Now it's up to me.
     It was easy. All I had to do was go "get the ball". And that's just what I did. When I got behind the trees, I looked around to find anything. Then, I remembered that they were invisible. So I stuck my hands out and started swaying them around. I looked like a scared toddler in a dark room, finding a switch (or in this case a monster) that I can't find.
     After a few minutes of walking around, I decided that it was time to go back and break the bad news to the other guys.
     "Hey Danny," said Kelly, "did you find anything?"
     "Nope. Sorry guys." I said.
     "Danny...what's that?" Zack asked. He was pointing at something on the back of my shirt. Then he grabbed something. It was a piece of paper. But not paper like we have in school. It was a piece of old paper. The things that were made of animal skin or something. Either way, it wasn't mine. So I took the paper and read it. I said, "I see you,"
     "Wait. Who sees us?" asked Zack.
     "I don't know." I said.
     "Well did you see or hear anything back there?" Kelly asked.
     "Not at all."
     "Then let's go back there and find who or what put that not on your back."
     "Or let's not." said Zack.
     "It'll be fine." said Kelly, "come on."
     RING! RING! RING! The school bell.
     "Well, I guess we'll try tomorrow." I said.
     The next morning, I woke up and got ready for school. But, more importantly, I got ready for my search for invisible aliens. At breakfast, I was looking at the paper. Who sees us? And what do they want?
     Then out of nowhere, my older brother, Steve, grabbed the sheet right out of my havd. Steve is 17. So he is the annoying older brother that is always in your business and on your case.
     "What do you have here, Dandy Danny?" Yep. that's his, oh so, stupid nickname for me. I really don't know exactly what "dandy" means, but I doubt he does either. I think it's supposed to mean girly or something. Either way, he took my paper.
     "Hey, give it back, Steve. Even though I know in every fiber in my being that he won't give it back without a fight (Notice: no snappy come-back to the whole Dandy thing (I'm not good with words)).
     So I grabbed it out of his hands when he wasn't paying attention.
     "What does that mean?" he said with a puzzled look on his face.
     "None of your business!"
     "Okay. Then take this." He had a glass of water in his hand and splashed me when I wasn't looking. I got so mad, I was gonna thow my breakfast at him. But, then, I saaw something.
     My paper got wet as well. And when I turned the paper over, there were words coming out of nowhere. It must've been invisible ink or something (get it?). The paper says, "We need your help."
     "Who is we?"


Wednesday, February 23, 2011


     Let's see. The best movie that I've ever seen is............. Karate Kid and Kung Fu Panda. The new one. I don't watch a lot of movies so that's what I got. Those two movies are pretty good. They are about Kung Fu which is awesome, you've got to admit. I like movies with adventure and action. They also have conflict and you overcome it in the end. It makes me really hyper and agitated. I also like Jackie Chan and Jack Black and anything that has anything to do with Chinese. The Karate Kid actually had some people speaking Chinese and I can actually understand them. And Kung Fu Panda has some Chinese writings, I think.

Everything's a waste

     I think that almost everything I can do is a waste of time. Like; listening to music, watching TV, doing homework(jk), etc. Practically, if you really think about it, everything that you do is a waste of time. The only thing you don't count as a waste of time is when you're doing something you love to do. I don't count all my theatre time as a waste because I enjoy being there. I think a waste of time is just anything I do that is unimportant for my future. So, yeah, everything. I'm a big procrastinater. That is why I haven't don't any of these blogs. I was wasting my time doing something random and wasteful.

Sibling Rivalry

     Wow. I can't believe that this topic would come up. Now I can vent about my feelings. Having five brothers and sisters are a hastle. I have an older sister that only talk about boys twent-four/seven. It's either "I hate (insert random "cute" guy here)." or "I love (insert random "cute" guy here)." And if that's not enough, she can do whatever she wants and that includes harrasing all the kids and giving random commands. Next, is my know-it-all little brother. He is apparently the brains of the family. But he is not much of brawns. He also has anger management issues and is always crying about something random. Next is the little sister. Man is she snobby. She acts like she is so popular and that she gets whatever she wants by acting like a little baby (not exaggerating). When she was like 12 or something, she already got cell phone and an iPod. I didn't get a cell phone until about 13 and no iPod until I was like 14. That's just sad. Then there is my other brother. He is the only real cool one in the family. Everyone likes him and he is my favorite. The only thing wrong with him is that he is such a cry baby, like the other one. Then my last sister is really, complicated. She has a lisp so it is really hard listening to her. Then she is always yelling and yelling, running around and constant randomness. I really don't think I have a real good relationship with my family. We are very disfunctional.


     I don't think that everyone likes the same old cartoons. So no one make fun of me when I say that Pokemon is the best cartoon ever! Yeah just about everyone makes fun of it now, but I still love it, actually. I don't know why I like it so much but it's just awesome. It's adventure and fantasy that I can pay attention to and that's all I can ask for. I've loved it all my life and it is still showing new shows. I don't know many shows that are still new. Except for Scooby-Doo. But the new series of that is not as great as the ones for Pokemon.



