Sunday, March 27, 2011

When Courage Is In Your Mind

Dear Reader,

     My book is called The Red Pyramid. It is a book that revolves around Egyptian mythology. There are two siblings named Carter and Sadie Kane. This book has many themes like Love, Courage and Secrets.
     I chose courage because of how so few people have it. Sure people hear and there can not be afraid of everything. That just means they have no fear. But, in the book, The Red Pryamid, the main characters show much courage.
     To me, courage means that you can stand up for something that ultimately scares you. It is good to have fear. Everyone has it. Yet it doesn't mean that you should keep yourself from trying something because of it.,
     Even if you have conquered your fear, it doesn't mean it goes away. Becarse conquering your fear does not mean that you lose it. It just means that you know you can stand up to it the next time, even if you don't want to.

     "Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing."


Courage is in me
It is what keeps me alive
No other thing does

I have many fears
But I can overcome them
They can't keep me down

Courand and no fear
There is such a huge difference
Courage gives you strength

It is in my mind
It let's me do everything
The thing is courage

“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear”
 Ten Ways to Know if... you have an Egyprian God Possessing You
  1. You would hear voices in your head.
  2. You are talking to yourself.
  3. You are able to read Egyptian writing.
  4. You are most likely a descendent of an Egyptian pharaoh.
  5. You can use high level magic.
  6. You can turn into a bird at will.
  7. You can deflect flying daggers out of nowhere withour even thinking.
  8. You can turn into a giant glowing green monster with an animal as a head and use it in combat.
  9. Either, you have been banished into a sarcophagus, you banished someone into a sarcophagus, you are a boy and a loved one has been banished into a sarcophagus, you are a girl and a loved one has been banished into a carcophagus, or you are a cat person (literally) and enjoys milk and Friskies.
  10. A giant killer turkey, which you have never seen before, walks up to you and calls you royalty.
“Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.”

Carter Kane Talking to Self

Carter: Ok. So now I have a father who was caught in a coffin; a British sister, which I only get to see for only twice a year, all over my case; a pretenc aunt named Bast who is half cat; a huge fiery man waiting to destroy me in Phoenic; and a nagging Epyptian god stuck in my head.
Horus: Hey. I heard that.
Carter: I don't care. You are in my head, remember, I can say whatever I want here. And you're the reason I'm in this mess anyways.
Horus: Well, this would be a lot easier on you if you just let me take over your body.
Carter: Yeah, that'll happen, when I'm dead. Which would mean you would have to find a new host. So go with it or get wout of my head.
Horus: Fine
Carter: So, what do we do now?
Horus: Beats me. You're controlling the body, I guess the only thing to do is go to Phoenix and save out fathers.
Carter: Yeah. That is the only thing. How did I get into this mess anyhow?
Horus: You were born with the problem. And it won't go away intil you die.
Carter: At this rate, I'll die in two days.
Horus: Yep. Looks like it.
Carter: Thanks for the pep talk. Remind me that you'll be my "head" cheerleader once I get into the NBAs.
Horus: If only you could play. Haha.
Carter: Whatever. Let's just go.

“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”
“You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.”


     This is my self reflection of each genre. The first genre I used is the Haiku. I chose that genre because it was pretty easy to do. However, I think I only needed one but I did more instead. That should make it full credit.
     The next genre was the ten ways to know if... I chose that one because I was thinking about how at the beginning of the book talks about what to do if you think you are one of them. So I thought I made a list of everything that I know Carter and Sadie could do or things that happened to them.
     The third one was of Carter Kane talking to himself. I chose this because, in the book, Carter has and Egyptian god stuck in his head. This worked so well because when Carter talks to himself, he would still be heard by Horus. And then they would fight back and forth about who should be controlling Carter's body. Plus it would seen funny.
     And the last one was the wanted poster. This worked because they are practically wanted. All the details in the book is actually true from the book. And Desjardans is the magician who is trying to seek them and put them and away because of how dangerous they are. He's not even the worst of their problems. And I'm sure that if there is a wanted poster, it would definitely look similar to this.

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