Friday, December 3, 2010

Black History Paragraphs

     Well, the first question says "Using specific names an places, briefly summarize the capters from Nightjohn in your own words." Let's see, it's all about a girl named Sarny who is just a little African girl in the south who is just trying to keep positive. And, soon, she meets a man who everyone calls Nightjohn. The first night he was there, he was trying to trade for tobacco with "letters". Good thing that Sarny sad some and that is how she was starting to learn to read. Which is not allowed down south. Speaking of which, Nightjohn was actually from the south and had escaped to the north. There he had learned English and wanted to teach other people down south. So he came back. Then the rest of the story is all about how he teaches her the first three letters of the alphabet.
     Next, this question is "Using specific names and places, briefly summarize 'Mascot' in your own words." It's just a story about Malcom X and how his life was.  And's really how it's about how he was in high school and counts himself as the "Mascot" of the school because of how he is.
     And last is "Using specific details from the setting and story, compare ad contrast The Great Debaters to the two stories we read in class." Okay. So the setting is school just like the Mascot but up north unlike Nightjohn. There were many people who were black there just like Nightjohn and unlike Mascot where there were barely any. But they were all about segregation and racism and that is what we were trying to link all we learned together.

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